Thursday, May 7, 2009

the inquisitive cat vists the shed.

he had to come in through the window because the doors were shut, and so he just hopped up on the ledge and came in, as calm and self-possessed as you please.

he sniffed at the piled up stones and the candle (no singed whiskers) and then sat in my lap, his muddy paws all over, not caring that I was in the midst of a particularly deep thought. he was insistent that I pet him, and bumped his head forcefully against my chin over and over, demanding affection, claws dug in, purring as he nuzzled.


Pauline said...

I know there are anti-cat people out there but oh - they are one of my favorite animals!

shara said...

we have two, one's an old tortoiseshell lady-cat who has to have the very freshest water, has a terrible whining yowl she uses whenever she's the slightest displeased, and spends most of her time sleeping. and then there's the wild mole-catcher, our very quiet siamese. I've only heard him speak three times, apparently this is unusual. he's an odd cat, so of course I love him. even though he's as likely to nip you as nuzzle.

tatz said...

My, but Dr. Jones is getting big. Glad to hear he's as feral as ever.

shara said...

he caught a mouse just this morning - I found him playing with it and managed to get it away from him and into a bucket, so I took it and set it loose down in the meadow. it seemed more frightened than injured. it's the mole he really wants to catch, and every now and then he goes wild and runs over to one of the moleholes and sticks his front leg in there as far as it can go, and swipes around madly with his paw.