Wednesday, January 7, 2009

so these are the things I keep forgetting.

that when I don't talk, when I keep all of myself inside myself, I end up sad or angry or hopeless or - oh god, the misery - all three at once.

that when I stop making things, however pointless or temporary, I shrivel my heart up and start to eat it, the bitter, unforgiving taste of it so meanspirited in my mouth that everything I say comes out hard and dry and unloving.

that I'm not alone in any of this, even when I'm completely by myself. that I don't have to bear it alone.


Peter Bryenton said...

Talking, making and doing: the artist's essential trilogy.

shara said...

well peter today I talked, I made and I did, and you know it was a much better day. I was undaunted, for the most part.

Pauline said...

Perhaps it is because you are so creative that bottling any expression up inside causes pain. You'll just have to keep noisy and busy ;)

shara said...

pauline, it's certainly true that I'm at my happiest and most productive when I'm making something, whatever it might be.