Wednesday, November 5, 2008

my first post composed on a mac.

not that I imagine it looks any different.

no pictures on this computer yet, but I've got 717 (the last couple weeks' worth) being unloaded from the camera right now. and then there's another card full, waiting.

believe it or not, I take fewer pictures these days. wait longer to click the button. but I still take far too many.

stayed up last night to watch the election results. sounds of joy are still echoing in our little brown house.


Peter Bryenton said...

brown signifying no particular political party then?

Listening to that victory speech, I felt similar to when I watched the moon landing - very glad to be alive at one of those rare, history-in-the-making moments.

shara said...

well I suppose if I mixed blue, red and green together I'd get some kind of brown, so the colour the house is painted could serve as some sort of political statement. there's good everywhere, and in a perfect world maybe right and left and red and blue wouldn't matter, the best of everyone's thoughts and ideas could come together in harmony.

I'm not eligible to vote, being a resident alien, but our family was quite overjoyed to see obama elected. to have an intelligent, charismatic, well-spoken person of character in charge of the country suits me fine. he's wise enough, I think, to realize he doesn't know (or need to know) everything. he only needs to have the courage of his convictions and the humility to listen to advice from those who have more education or experience, to surround himself with good advisers.

we let the girls stay up late (one fell asleep) to watch the speeches. my opinion of mccain was softened somewhat by his speech. and didn't he seem almost relieved to have the whole thing over? but he was very classy, I thought, and if he'd shown that kind of positive calm energy during the campaign maybe things would have been slightly different, but I think obama was unbeatable, it was his time.