Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Well I didn't meet my first, second, or third deadlines.

But. I did manage to finish the things I was working on - or if not finish (what's ever finished?) at least get them to point where I could pack them up and ship them off. It didn't cost as much as I thought, and the box was bigger than I'd realized, and I have no idea what sort of reception it's going to get when it gets to where it's going. (A puzzled one, is my guess.) Next time will be easier.

It occurs to me that this is the first time I've sent work off to stand on its own without me there to fuss with it. I expect that was some of the difficulty.


Pauline said...

ah - a breakthrough; the photo is so apropos!

shara said...

Thank you Pauline. The photo was from a couple of weeks ago, it was a cool morning, frost all over everything, and in the meadow the rising sun through the trees was caught in the mist, it was quite breathtaking. I threw a coat on over my pajamas and went out to take pictures and video before it was all gone.

I suppose it was a breakthrough, of sorts. I know it won't be quite so wrenching next time to send things off. I don't expect it'll be a breeze, but at least I'll know it's possible for me to make things and mail them away and survive. (Of course I didn't actually think I wouldn't survive the experience. I do tend to be somewhat dramatic at times. But it was difficult, definitely. I think I absorbed the message early on that life was supposed to be a struggle. It's been a lifetime figuring out it's both a struggle and a joy.)