Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Only in America would anyone drive through a tree.

The girls loved it, of course, and my husband thought it was quite cool to be able to drive through a living redwood. I laughed at them (not unkindly) but no-one took offense. And the lady who took our money at the entrance booth was sweet and very welcoming, and you just know we must have been the millionth family to come through and ask the same questions.

This isn't a picture of that tree, of course. It's the side of the car, and the road. The oddest things catch my eye.


Pauline said...

ah but look at the dance of light and the shadow play... glad you had a good time.

Lee said...

Great photo. Love the way the light on the car and the light on the ground merge into one and it takes while to realise that there is a car there art all.

Peter Bryenton said...

I'm surprised there wasn't a MacDonald's drive-thru right in there too.

shara said...

Pauline, I did have a good time, though I didn't take near as many pictures as I thought I would, and most of the pictures I took were of the "recording the event" type.

Lee, that's exactly what I thought when I saw the picture on the computer. The light was so beautiful that afternoon.

Peter, I wouldn't be at all shocked if we went back in a few years and found one there.