Wednesday, May 13, 2009

this is the tulip moon.

as it rested on the window-ledge the other night. the jar makes the most beautiful wavery patterns, and I'm always happy to see a jar of mango slices in the fridge because I love the taste of mangoes and when the beautiful taste is all gone, I get the jar.

if you set the light on the bottom and the jar on the top of it, the pattern of light on the shed roof is so delicately lovely, so liquid and silvery-blue. sometimes it feels very cool and shimmering in the shed, and on those nights I dream about fishes and mermaids and things like that.


Pauline said...

I may just have to make a moon jar - it's a fascinating image

shara said...

I only have one solar-powered light, but if I ever luck into a whole lot of them, I've got mango jars waiting. I have visions of the whole yard lit up with them, the shed too. I really have a most unseemly passion for glass jars. I have a hard time throwing any away. in fact I put a nice dark green olive oil bottle (with the label washed off) on the kitchen counter. if my husband didn't put it in the recycling bin, I'll take it to the shed tonight, and try the solar light on top of it. I'm so curious to see what the green light will be like. I'll take pictures. (she said, quite unnecessarily.)