Thursday, May 8, 2008

thursday morning. grey, but not (currently) raining.

I believe this is the current default setting for weather. sunny breaks would be a lovely change, if you have any you're not using, please feel free to send them my way.

but it's not a dark day inside, just a quiet one. and the grey's not dark, really, pearly I suppose. soft looking, moist but not heavy with rain. sun seems possible.

the school bus just left, the recycling truck's come and gone, some people have gone off to work and some have just come home. breakfast dishes are stacked neatly in the sink, and a pile of laundry is in the garage in front of the washer and dryer. but there's enough clothes and towels (clean and folded and put away neatly) to last a few days.

I've got paint calling from the shed, which has curtains now, and is quite cozy with the propane heater. plenty of ventilation, between the window and the door and the rusted holes here and there. sometimes the roof leaks, but I don't mind that so much. there's nothing so precious there it can't stand a bit of rain and wind, and if it can't, oh well. it won't last that long anyway, no sense worrying too much about it.


billie said...

That welcome photo is a sight for sore eyes! Love the color and the flowers.

shara said...

thank you billie, the rhododendrons and azaleas are very vibrant, taking over from the cherry tree, which was gorgeous but has lost almost all its blooms now, and soon the peonies will take their turn. I keep breaking branches off and bringing them into the shed, I just can't seem to get enough warm, bright colours lately, probably an attempt to balance the grey skies.