Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the fate of stars. well. inspired by it, anyway.

the inspiration to which I'm referring is this beautiful poem of Pauline's. she was gracious enough, some time ago, to give me permission to find or make images to go with it. these two pictures are close to what I wanted, or close to part of what I wanted. of course at this point, my only model is myself. but by the time I get to the point of taking the kinds of pictures I want to take, I'll have done enough experimenting and learning not to waste someone else's time, I'll not be limited as far as having to work around the very obvious (but for the most part accepted) flaws in the material and I'll know exactly what it is that I want, and how to achieve that particular effect.

The Fate of Stars

The full moon sweeps the stars from out its arc,
The way a queen of light fans out her cloak.
Her subjects genuflect beside the dark.

They wait her passing ere they make their mark,
Those lights whose trails are mere celestial smoke.
The full moon sweeps the stars from out its arc.

Whereas the new moon sweeps with darkened broom,
A Cinderella brushing of the grate,
Her subjects genuflect beside the dark.

And wait her order ere they light the room.
Two moons, two queens to honor, is their fate.
The full moon sweeps the stars from out its arc.

The new moon would not dare to so presume.
She makes the darkened sky her own estate.
Her subjects genuflect beside the dark.

Two moons, two queens, one kingdom cold and stark,
And though the new moon’s kindness stars invoke,
The full moon sweeps the stars from out its arc,
Her subjects genuflect beside the dark.

Pauline, with her typical modesty, would no doubt not hesitate to remind you it was an early attempt at the form. I think it's a lovely, lyrical piece of writing, and if I could marry it to a piece of music, I most certainly would.

actually, that particular piece of writing has sparked many photographs in the shed, and every time I look at the moon (which is as often as I can, finding it quite soothing or energizing to look at, depending on various things) I think of the two queens. I had wanted very badly to make it into a song, but the only way I could do that was to mess with it too much, and that spoiled it, so I gave up.

in my mind, there is a whole full moon/new moon installation of poetry, music, photographs, video and so on. my mind is a very busy place. unfortunately, there are more windows than doors at this point, but at some point everything will become a door, or a window large enough for any idea to break out and act upon itself. I have only recently come to the realization that it's neither possible nor necessary for me to be the one to realize every idea that lives in my head.

so now I go blithely along (most days. some days blitheness eludes me) scattering half-formed ideas like the seeds I suppose they are.


Pauline said...

I have just now stopped dashing off to work (and work after work) and graduations and grandchild-minding, and gardening to sit and catch up on my favorite readings and here I find myself reading my own words! You have caught those two queens, haven't you - it's the lighting! Marvelous. I can't imagine how you would put this poem to music. Its rhythm is herky-jerky, but like you, the moon entrances me and since I was looking at the full moon while thinking about this poetic form, the poem sort of wrote itself.

Thanks, Shara - you do me honor.

shara said...

you're so welcome, pauline, and thank you.