Monday, September 29, 2008

more about titles, possibly. or the post could go in another direction entirely.

because they do that, the posts. at the best of times they write themselves. if I was a religious sort of person I'd say sometimes I had visions; but I'm not, so what are my options then? what explains the feeling of being only a door something else passes through? and it's not that I believe these are pearls of wisdom -

see, pauline? now here I am, pondering pearls of wisdom. thinking of the nature of pearls, the few I've seen (natural and not), the way they're made, the levels of symbolism there, the meaning. that's the stumbling block, the meanings of things, or the lack of meaning but oh here we go again, merrily or not so merrily off on another tangent, dizzy and lost somewhere between the clouds and the dirt.

visions, though. that's what I was going on about. or magical thinking or madness or who knows what? I don't know. I decided the other day that I preferred to believe that life has meaning, that the pointlessness I feel sometimes or the significance I feel other times are both just part of something I will never fully understand. so I'm going to go pet the cat and listen to the birds and write down sentences and pictures that come unbidden into my head and just not worry so much about the state of my mind for the moment. all this self-awareness is exhausting, however still the outside of the container might look. today I will be an empty pot and whatever gets put in there will just have to be good enough.


Pauline said...

oh I love reading these thought streams of yours! Even an empty pot gives form to what's put into it or at least boundaries, and sometimes merges its compositional components with the contents. Everything has some effect on something else, even such ephemeral things as our thoughts.

love the image of being a door through which ideas pass though I think that we created the thoughts and the door - and what we're channeling is the collective subconscious, which is the composite of all our consciousness, no? (Though I have to admit I am more a proponent of cosmic consciousness ;)

shara said...

I like the thought of the empty pot giving form to what's inside it. it's always so good to read your comments, they give me interesting ideas to think about. thank you for leaving them.