Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I downloaded a podcast from npr about bobolinks.

so of course it just happened to be the right thing to go with these pictures, even if it isn't exactly right. I'd do it quite differently if I was to do it again, and it's possible I will do it again, or a million times, and sometimes it won't look a bit different. the pictures weren't even about birds, they were about leaves, but then again, there you go. the two go together, birds and leaves.

but what I meant to say was that it was used quite without permission. I'd send the birds an apology for violating their copyright but they're flighty things. no idea where the bobolinks in question are now.

and I've decided just today how obvious it is, the pattern I've been looking for. at the time, anyway. it's nests, birds. I'll explain it all later, unless I get off on some other topic. I do that. I've decided to consider it part of my charm, the same way I have decided to refer to all future difficult days as just part of the romantic and melancholy legend that will grow up around me someday. of course I'm not serious, life's too uncertain for too much of that, and oh but it's such a relief, just to write. and not to worry so much about whether it makes sense or not, is right or realistic or connects enough dots to make a recognizable picture because someday it will all wind itself together into one big thing or it won't. and then, what then, who knows? but now.

today I painted and wrote poetry in the shed, with the sunshine and breeze perfect for a late summer early fall day, and the girls were at school so everything was quiet but the sound of the quiet itself, full of birds and grasses drying, dying, moving, the traffic down the road softened through the trees, and power tools somewhere, and old jazz on cheap speakers.


MB said...

sounds like a perfectly wonderful day. i have to say, your writing and photos are worth waiting for! i think the randomness of posting suits you, lots of wonderful stuff happens in between.

Canbush said...

You have such wonderful combinations of colours - I may have to borrow them some day for work.

Is there any part of your shed still untouched?

I'm more into the randomness of not posting these days but perhaps the urge will return.

shara said...

well thank you very much for the compliments.

it certainly was a perfectly wonderful day. it's possible today could be another one, although it's raining and cool and dark at the moment. the dark of course will go (it's early morning, not yet dawn) but I expect the cool and rain will continue. it's fall in the northwest. but THIS fall/winter I have the garage as well as the shed to work in. so I hope to get some things accomplished, or at least as accomplished as things ever get, I suppose.

the shed is about 3/4 painted. I've got some (ha. there's an understatement) pictures and video of the latest incarnation to post. we'll see how today goes. I've been deleting old pictures and being much more deliberate about the pictures as I'm taking them. but sometimes I go off into trances, pressing the button. even the smallest changes in the light change everything. and I have a hard time stopping myself sometimes from wanting to record every little change.

I write much more often than I post, but it's all the old fashioned way, with pen and paper. my handwriting is getting quite lovely, I think. it certainly impresses my little girls. the other day I wrote the lowercase cursive alphabet as one word with my eyes closed. you'd think I'd done magic to see their eyes. they went to a birthday party yesterday with handmade cards and the inscriptions inside in their best writing, manuscript for the 7 year old and cursive for the 8 year old. they were very proud of their work.