Sunday, September 7, 2008


it's been a fascination for some time, drawing with the camera while the fireworks setting is on. traffic lights, candlelight, firelight, anything at all. the illuminated gauges in the car, the full moon, the lit tip of an incense stick. once you click the button and start waving the camera around, the oddest things can happen, and while the fire didn't give up any secrets, it did sing for a few minutes.


Peter Bryenton said...

I liked that, thanks.

Have you tried keeping the camera still (with a big lump of BluTak) and moving the light source around?

Pauline said...

and the music was a perfect accompaniment

shara said...

I haven't tried that exactly. I did try moving the light source one time (a tealight) but I was holding the camera in the other hand, so it wasn't exactly still. I've done quite a bit of experimenting with this sort of thing now. once I whittle down the hundreds of pictures to the few that are actually interesting, I think it will make a nice little slideshow.